Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week Forty Five

Oh my baby, the things you are learning.  Your Dad discovered that you can sip water from his palm.  I am still not sure how he realized this, but it so cute to watch you sipping water this way!  You also had egg yolks for the first time.  I thought you really liked them since you kept putting pieces of yolk in your mouth, but you weren't swallowing and at the end you spit out massive amounts of egg!

You slept through the night for the first time this week.  I woke up very rested at 5 am, completely panicked since you hadn't woken me up at 2 am for your feed.  Now this hasn't happened since, but it seems that a full nights sleep maybe in my future soon.  I have to say I will miss sleeping with your little body curled up to me.
The other downside is that with less nursing I am making less and less milk. Pumping at work gets me an ounce to ounce and a half max.  I know that our time breastfeeding is coming to a close and that makes me so sad, but it is the natural progression of things and something that you are choosing.

You also decided, big girl that you are, that you only need one nap per day.  We were very much hoping that you would continue on a 2 nap schedule until you were over 1 year.  It makes getting anything done almost impossible during the day since you are so active and not happy in your play pen for more than about 15 minutes.

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