Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week Six

Okay this was a hard week.  The growth spurt was over, but you were crying like crazy and nursing did not help, at all.  Frantic reading revealed that this was normal, babies hit a peak of crying around 6 weeks and it slowly decreases until 12 weeks.  Yikes, we thought we had the easiest baby ever, but we had a normal baby.  You completely forgot how to nap, you would refuse to nurse, have a dry diaper and be yawning and screaming.  We rocked you, and bounced you and sang and stood on our heads, nothing helped.  I tried nursing you side lying during the day and I got you to nap... once.  It was brutal.  We tried baby wearing, if we were out at the store you loved it, but in the house forget about it, non-stop screaming.  Sometimes we just gave up, Margaret Woodson came over to visit one day and found your Dad napping and you in your bassinet screaming in the living room while I sat on the couch staring off into space.  It had only been like that for 10 minutes, but I felt like a zero as a mother at that moment.  She took over that day and hummed and rocked and swaddled you to sleep, in your crib no less.  We tried her techniques to no avail.  In desperation I bought the "Happiest Baby on the Block" video as an amazon instant download.   Your Dad was napping again and you were screaming and I was in tears.  I watched about half of the video and tried the techniques and got you to sleep.  It took a while and did not last long, but I felt like I was on to something that could work.  You Dad was so mad that I spent $10 on a instant download, but he watched, learned the techniques and became awesome at getting you to sleep.  He now says that it was worth every penny.  We had a plan of action and I focused on the happy, sunny, funny baby moments, because even on your worst day you had plenty of those.  I also knew that things would be getting better we just had to hold on for another 6 weeks.

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