Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week Thirty Eight

Well Bob is back.  You starting talking about him again,  I wish I knew what you meant by Bob...  We started feeding you organic O cereal this week.  I don't think that you like how it tastes, but you love to bite the pieces and crunch them.  You also love to pick up the cereal and try to put it in your mouth.  Unfortunately you aim is not so good and the cereal ends up all over.  It is so cute to watch you eat and try to feed yourself.  You amaze me.

This week was also your sister's 2nd birthday.  It was emotional and hard and so sad.  I wish that she could be here.  I wish that you could know her as more than some pictures and an urn.  I wish that I could have watched her grow, like I get to watch you.  We had a picnic and I made a cake.  Next year I would like to go on a Day trip to the arboretum or up north to the woods.  I hope that you love Grace too.  She was so special and she protects you from afar.

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