Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week Thirty Nine

Okay I have been trying to down play how often you say "Dada"  I told myself that it was just meaningless babbling, but I cannot deny your first word any longer.  You looked right and your Dad and said "Dada."  You also now say Daddy as well.  Sometimes you say it to me, so Mark tells me that it means parent to you, but I think that he is just sparing my feelings.  It is nice in the middle of the night when you are crying and you say "Dadda, dadda, Daddy." I just tell Mark you are calling for him and I get a little extra sleep!

Sleep is something that has been in short supply.  You want to practice pulling up to standing all the time, even in the middle of the night.  You don't want to sleep in your crib, in the big family bed you try to crawl to the edge, so I was at a complete loss for what to do.  I actually started sleeping on the floor of your room, so that if you wanted to crawl and practice standing you could, but I could take little cat naps too.  Not the most comfortable, but at least you have a sheep skin rug that is pretty soft for a bed.

We have been walking more, at least once a day we pack you up in your stroller and off we go.  You love it, you hold on and look at everything.  The weather has been perfect and I love the time outside with you.

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